Skeptic no more 

 Color me skeptical when people would recommend chiropractors to me. I was more of a conventional medicine/physical therapy type of guy who felt I could stay healthy by working out and eating right.  That changed as I watched my wife thru chiropractic treatment with Dr. Katarina Sheffield go from sleeping with a heating pad on her neck every night to pain free and sleeping soundly.  I thought I'd give Dr. Sheffield a try since I love golf but don't love how my back and neck feel afterwards (as well as intermittent tingling in my fingers) . Plus, I was seeing how slumpy my posture was becoming. After getting x-rayed and seeing how my spine was not in the correct position (which was putting  pressure on nerves) Dr. Sheffield started a chiropractic program that has already made a huge difference in my posture as well as recovery time after golf. And now I'm sleeping soundly beside my wife. I would encourage any of you that have similar thoughts on chiropractors to give Dr. Sheffield a try.  It's made a huge difference in my family's health. 

 Bill O.

Long time patient

Dr. Sheffield! I went to her upon recommendation from my massage therapist. I was hesitant naturally, because "chiropractor" is not a comforting word for me. However, Dr. Sheffield immediately changed that. We talked for a bit, she sent for me for x-rays and to follow up she gave me a plan (which I followed). The overall health of my spine has improved immensely and after nearly 1.5yr of seeing her I go to her for a monthly tune up. The road to get to a monthly tune up was not easy and it had a particular hurdle that I will never forget. I have been a high impact athlete my entire life (soccer specifically and as an adult crossfit). The challenges my spine present: that good ole atlas was out and needed to be re-trained, decreased cervical spine, pars defects at L3 and moderate DDD at L5-S1. Once I started to see Dr. Sheffield I began to take it easier on my body for a little while to make sure things were feeling good as I was working on improving my spine health. In October of 2017 I had an increased anterior slip at L3 and I felt a freezing sensation I had never felt before around my waist and down my hamstrings. From there it was a long road for me mentally, physically and emotionally. I was now facing a horrifying thought of "no more soccer, no more crossfit because I do not want this to get any worse." I went back to seeing Dr. Sheffield once a week and we monitored it, adjusted, talked about things I was doing or things I could try with caution. I was in pain for a long time but trusted Dr. Sheffield with my spine and I am beyond happy I did. 

 Fast forward: I weened my way back to seeing her once a month, put in a lot of work with my core and pelvic position on almost everything I do and I confidently partake in crossfit regularly again. Biggest things from Dr. Sheffield are her obvious knowledge and willingness to approach me for my specific needs with my spine. Her openness to me trying things and coming in with that "yeah I probably won't do THAT again" look and her tuning me up so I can go try more things (which now, pretty much everything is a go!). She explains things in a simple way and wants her patients to be educated. She also supports my drive in being as active as I am, within the limits that respect my body. 

 I am very thankful I went in after the recommendation. I am happily a patient of Dr. Sheffield's and will continue to be. 

Ashley W

New level of healing

I have been to 7 different chiropractors in the last 15 years. 5 in Texas and 2 in Colorado. Each helped me in various ways. They all had different modalities of how they treat a patient.  

 Then a friend told me about Dr. Sheffield in Austin. Even though I live 50 miles away from Westlake, I attended one of her "Lunch & Learn" luncheons and heard her speak. I heard things I had never heard before about the body as well as similar information that I knew about how chiropractic works.  I was so glad I came to the luncheon that day. I sensed she was different in how she practiced and what she might be able to do to help me. This difference seemed like, "Wow, I gotta come see her!"  So, I did, and I was right.  The day that I attended "Lunch & Learn," I was hurting pretty bad in my neck, shoulders, and back. I have had a chronic problem off and on for years. 

Dr. Sheffield has the most comprehensive approach I have ever been exposed to in chiropractic care. She has been getting to the root of my chronic condition and treating it and it's working. She has taken me to an entirely new level of healing than ever before.  She is also very "aware" of what the body needs.  

Additionally, I feel so cared for by Dr. Sheffield.  This extends to her Assistant, Sandra, also. They are both very caring people, and you can feel how much they care about you.

It's been 2 months since I started seeing her, and I am so improved. The changes are holding.  I will continue to see her.  I cannot recommend her enough!

I feel like I am finally going to be well!

Cindy C.

Improved health and outlook

I am a 72 year old male and a U.S. Navy veteran.  I had a diagnosis of Sciatic Nerve pain on my right side, especially the foot and knee area.  At the onset the pain was severe and my mobility was limited.    I have tried physical therapy with some success and acupuncture with limited success.  I have been treated by Dr. Sheffield for several months.  My pain level has decreased markedly, especially in my lower back, and my mobility has improved.  I can now walk without a cane for short distances.  Several months ago my cane was my constant companion.  I now require periodic adjustments much less often, approximately every four weeks. Chiropractic has improved my health and outlook. 

Jerry F., D.D.S.

Chronic neck pain relief

Dr. Sheffield helped me go from chronic neck pain to feeling pain-free, and most importantly - feeling FREEDOM and JOY again. I am so grateful for her expertise. I had seen other chiros in the past and was extremely skeptical - one of them I believe made my injury worse. After 3 different people recommended her to me, I decided to give it a shot. She is extremely gentle and holistic in her approach and a true healer. No popping, twisting, etc. I don't know how she does what she does, but it has totally enhanced my life, and I'm forever grateful. 

Lauren B.

Can now sleep through the night

A wonderful experience, I was quite dubious about going to a chiropractor, however Dr. Sheffield immediately made me feel at ease and explained the purposes and the medical reasoning behind the work that I needed to have done. She is thorough, calming, and really spends time making you understand what she is doing and what your body is going through. She really takes an interest in getting to know the patients that come in, something that is just a wonderfully nice touch when going to a doctor's office. As for the results, I was a chronic insomniac and as a result of the visits I have been able to sleep through the night for the first time in years. In addition, my balance has improved greatly. This is a wonderful chiropractor and office, I have only been to one other one, but it truly did not compare to the service and overall experience of Dr. Sheffield. 

Meredith B.

Severe migraines completely stopped

For the past 15 years, I have suffered from severe migraines. It got to the point where I was having them twice a week. I also suffer from chronic pain due to a sports related injury, which eventually transpired to pain in my lower back. Needless to say, I was in bad shape. Then, I met Dr. Sheffield. At first I was leery in working with her because I had never been to a chiropractor and no one, thus far, had been able to help me. However, Dr. Sheffield immediately found the problematic area in my spine. Since working with Dr. Sheffield, my migraines have completely stopped. I no longer have pain in my lower back and the sports related injury has dramatically improved. I feel better than ever, and I owe it all to Dr. Sheffield. Not only is she a miracle worker, but caring, passionate and kind, as well. I definitely recommend utilizing her services. Thank you Dr. Sheffield! 

Susan W.

An inch taller

Before seeing Dr. Sheffield I was pretty skeptical about chiropractic care. I’ve never been big on going to doctors, and just figured all my stiff muscles and joint pains were from too much running and weight lifting… HOLY SH*T. I haven been seeing Dr. Sheffield for 4 months, and my body feels so much better! My long-time neck and back pains are almost gone, I am sleeping better at night and feel less tired during the day, my knees and ankles don’t crack anymore during runs, my hips and shoulders feel looser than I can ever remember, and my posture has drastically improved. My spine has been stretched and straightened so much that my last doctor’s appointment I measured almost an INCH TALLER than I have EVER BEEN in my entire life.

PROS: friendly doctor and office staff always runs on time, offers lower-cost appointments without health insurance, overall a very knowledgeable and capable doctor. 

Caitlin B.

Pain levels dropped

Dr. Sheffield specializes in working on touch and atlas methods. My mobility and pain levels have dropped since working with her and discovering some spinal issues that I didn't previously know about.


Severe migraines

For 20 years I suffered from severe migraines, usually 10-15 days per month. And for 20 years I tried everything BUT chiropractic:  all kinds of pharmaceuticals, elimination diets, estrogen patches, botox, pain management, physical therapy, acupuncture, you name it. In 2011 my primary care physician suggested I see Dr Sheffield, and I will be forever grateful! Through x-rays and examinations Dr Sheffield determined exactly what was going on with my skull and spine that was keeping my neck, shoulders, and head feeling tied up in knots. I do still get some headaches, but they are much less frequent and much less severe. And my trapezius muscles, which used to just ache all the time, finally feel relaxed and pain-free. I used to be scared and skeptical of chiropractic, but now I'm a believer!! Thanks, Dr S!

Kirsten M.

Better than I've felt in years

I went to see Dr. Sheffield because I'd been discussing seeing "someone" with my husband because I just felt terrible all the time. My body hurt. I had recently started a workout regimen and struggled through it every day. I couldn't put my finger on the problem. I chose Dr. Sheffield because I didn't want to take the traditional medicine route. After 4 weeks of seeing Dr. Sheffield, I feel better than I've felt in YEARS! My body from a chiropractic standpoint was in terrible condition. Now I am beginning to see why I had some of the symptoms I had and feel great with her putting my whole body back in alignment. I would recommend Dr. Sheffield to anyone interested in chiropractic care. Dr. Sheffield has remarkable character as well!

Jennifer R.

Knee pain gone

I've had knee problems for around 8 years and I'm only 23. One doctor told me just to live with it because it's probably just thin cartilage. I went to Dr. Sheffield because my dad thought she could help. To say the least, I was skeptical. How could a chiropractor fix my knee? Well, three months later and for the first time in years my knee does not hurt at all. Not only that, but she found the source of my problems and has retrained my spine back to a normal position. It turns out that my left leg was an inch shorter than my right and that was caused by lateral curves in my spine. She came up with a treatment plan for me and has not only fixed my knee, but she also has gotten rid of my overall stiffness and has helped my posture. I am almost back to perfect! She answered all of my questions and told me up front that if she thought she couldn't help me then she wouldn't waste my time - that right there earned my respect. She is an incredible doctor and a wonderful person. She took the time to get to know my specific issues and has worked with me on exercises to do at home. I could not recommend anyone better for any issue you have. One thing she taught me is that your spine can cause all sorts of issues all over your body - not just your back. I urge you to give her a shot - she is AMAZING!!!!!! 

Meredith W.


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