Complicated Cases

Complicated Cases

 Fibromyalgia / Harrington Rods & Scoliosis / Migraines / Balance Problems / ADHD 



Helping Patients Get Back a Life They Love

It’s not easy to live with chronic pain. If your case defies easy solutions and you’re losing hope, Dr. Sheffield would love to help you.

Also a Pharmacist

As the only Austin chiropractor who is also a pharmacist, Dr. Sheffield brings a unique set of skills to your case. Again and again, she’s seen her specialized knowledge help patients who feel hopeless recover from pain.


Do You Have a Complicated Chiropractic Case?

You may have several factors that contribute to your chronic pain

Dr. Sheffield has helped Austin chiropractic patients with the following conditions achieve extraordinary results:

  • Dizziness & Balance Problems
  • Scoliosis
  • Chronic Stress
  • Post Surgical Patients With Fusions
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Harrington Rods
  • Hypermobility Syndrome
  • Migraines
  • TMJ Problems
  • Vertigo

These conditions usually have three or more contributing causes. The overlap of causes and symptoms can overwhelm many practitioners. But Dr. Sheffield has a larger toolbox than most.

She loves the challenge of detangling various issues to identify the root cause or causes. Along with her patients, she cherishes the moment they discover the treatment that helps.

“I have been to seven different chiropractors in the last fifteen years. Then a friend told me about Dr. Sheffield in Austin. Dr. Sheffield has the most comprehensive approach I have ever been exposed to in chiropractic care. She has been getting to the root of my chronic condition and taken me to an entirely new level of healing than ever before. I cannot recommend her enough! I finally feel like I’m going to be well!” -Cindy C.

The Austin Chiropractor Who Lived With Chronic Pain for Decades

Dr. Sheffield understands the frustration of living with chronic pain.  After being run over by a van at age 5, she knows what it’s like to: 

  • Visit endless doctors and practitioners
  • Feel as if there are no other treatment options to help
  • Suffer emotionally as well as physically

Most importantly, Dr. Sheffield knows how it feels to finally get out of pain and get back to living life.

How Dr. Sheffield Gets to the Bottom of Your Problem

Because of her personal journey, she is passionate about helping you recover. She’ll use a variety of modalities, as well as her background as a pharmacist, to get to the bottom of


your problem.

Excellent, Timely Referrals

Dr. Sheffield has worked in Austin, Texas for three decades. She has a deep network of excellent healers and doctors with a variety of specialties.

Never one to hold onto a case if she believes someone else is better positioned to help, Dr. Sheffield will always make excellent and timely referrals.

Case Studies from Westlake Chiropractic

The following case studies illustrate Dr. Sheffield’s commitment to solving complicated cases:

Chiropractic Treatment for Harrington Rod Patients

Dr. Sheffield has treated patients with Harrington Rods in their spines for scoliosis.

Common Denominator: Misaligned Atlas Bone

Upon evaluation, she noticed a common denominator: Every single one had a misaligned atlas bone.

These patients presented with one or more of the following: severe neck pain, headaches, migraines, back pain, low back pain, sacral pain.

The atlas rests at the top of the spine, and a misalignment in the atlas can lead the central nervous system to send pain signals throughout the body.

Targeted Adjustments

As a specialist in upper cervical adjustment, Dr. Sheffield recognized that an atlas misalignment was likely the source of the patients’ pain.

She X-rayed each patient’s neck to identify the exact nature of the misalignment. Then she made targeted adjustments to the atlas bone using an upper cervical specific approach. This is key, since adjustments cannot be made where rods are placed.

Reduced Pain

In every case, the patients experienced reduced pain. And in some, symptoms resolved entirely.

Case Study 2: Unexplained Nausea and Vomiting

A woman who had been in a major car wreck eight years prior came to see Dr. Sheffield. As a result of this severe accident, the woman had a metal rod placed in one leg.

confused woman

Couldn’t Hold Down a Job

When she came to Westlake Chiropractic, the woman had frequent episodes of severe nausea, vomiting and headaches. Nobody could figure out what was causing this. These episodes prevented her from holding a job, because she couldn’t function and had to sleep until each episode let up, which could be 2, even 3 days.

Forced to Give Up Outdoor Activities

She also had knee problems and was forced to give up many outdoor activities she enjoyed.

Dr. Sheffield found the cause of the problem: an atlas and neck misalignments. After treatment, her “episodes” were significantly less intense and less frequent.

Back to the Life She Loves

This patient is back to painting, working, hiking and enjoying music. She maintains her new “normal” with once a month adjustments. She loves her life again.

Case Study 3: Scoliosis and Flat Back Syndrome

A 40-year-old female came to Dr. Sheffield with severe pain in her neck and back. There was no curve in her neck or thoracic spine. Plus, she had scoliosis.

Forced to Give Up Dancing and Traveling

By the time she had come to Dr. Sheffield, she had all over body pain which limited her activities and hindered her from following her passions.

Dr. Sheffield treated this patient for 6 months with twice weekly regular visits.

She needed atlas orthogonal upper cervical specific work, gentle full spine adjusting, and comprehensive extremity adjusting: shoulders, hips, knees and jaw.

Back to the Life She Loves

Today she is dancing and traveling and remains stable with adjustments every other week. She celebrates 10 years of care with Dr. Sheffield

"I have found the last piece of the puzzle in the treatment of mid-thoracic, neck pain and headaches. I’ve been on a 30 year journey with pain partly because of poor posture and car accidents where I was rear-ended at 55 to 60 miles per hour….At a friend’s suggestion I saw Dr. Sheffield.  X-rays revealed some significant disc degeneration and improper weight bearing through the neck. Physical exam revealed misalignment of my atlas and axis. Treatment of these areas has finally, for the first time in years, given me weeks now of NO headaches! I wish I’d have gotten here sooner!"  -Pam T.


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9:30am-1:30pm 2:30pm-6:30pm
9:30am-1:30pm 2:30pm-6:30pm
9:30am-1:30pm 2:30pm-6:30pm
9:30am-1:30pm 2:30pm-6:30pm