Meet Dr. Katerina Sheffield

Dr Katerina


Dr. Katerina Sheffield has lived in Austin, Texas since 1985. She is a leader and pioneer, who combines a unique portfolio of skills to help her patients heal and return to living the lives they love.

A Life Changing Accident Leads to a Lifelong Passion

When she was just five years old, Dr. Sheffield was run over by a van. This accident, and the years of subsequent treatments, shaped her life-long desire to help others live their healthiest lives. 

She is especially eager to help car wreck survivors—no matter how big or small the accidents— to recover as quickly and fully as possible.

Dr. Sheffield Worked as a Clinical Pharmacist Here in Austin, Texas

Dr. Sheffield graduated from the University of Texas College of Pharmacy at Austin. For 16 years she practiced Pharmacy in Austin. She worked a clinical pharmacist for over a decade, where she specialized in infectious disease, oncology and nutritional support. She also worked retail pharmacy, as a clinical instructor at UT,  and was a Board Certified in Nutritional Support Pharmacist, by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.

An Introduction to Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

While working as a pharmacist, Dr. Sheffield would frequently seek relief for chronic neck pain and headaches caused by her childhood accident. 

She frequently spent her lunch hour getting a chair massage at Whole Foods. It was a massage therapist there who suggested upper cervical chiropractic treatment for her neck pain and headaches.

Dr. Sheffield took the advice, despite being skeptical. The result of these treatments changed the trajectory of Dr. Sheffield’s life. 

For the first time since childhood, she experienced living pain-free on a regular basis. 

She was deeply grateful and fascinated by what upper cervical specific chiropractic work could do—so much so, that she decided to go back to school herself and become a chiropractor with a specialty in upper cervical care.  

Comprehensive and Unique Full Spine Adjusting 

Dr. Sheffield was fueled by her firsthand experience with the power of a pinpointed upper cervical chiropractic treatment. She wanted to help people get out of pain. During school and after graduation, she has learned over 10 different techniques. She uses a combination of what she believes are the most effective techniques that chiropractic has to offer.

Doctorate in Chiropractic 

In 2010, Dr. Sheffield earned a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Parker University in Dallas.  She married a native of Westlake, in Austin, and opened her practice that same year.

Holistic Practitioner, Global Approach

A holistic practitioner, Dr. Sheffield knows it is vital to combine upper cervical treatment with specific full spine adjustments. She also uses a host of other modalities to get such great results with her patients. 

Least Amount of Force

Her philosophy to spine care is to use a comprehensive biomechanical approach. She will always use the least amount of force to get the job done without rotation. 

One of the Only Trauma Qualified Chiropractors 

Dr. Sheffield obtained her certification as a “Trauma Qualified Chiropractor” by the Academy of Chiropractic’s Post Doctoral Division. Always a life-long learner, she has completed well over a hundred hours of post graduate training in handing trauma cases- car wrecks, sports injuries and such. 

Chiropractor of Austin

Today Dr. Sheffield has a toolkit different from that of any other chiropractor in Austin. She uses her background as a pharmacist, as well as training in upper cervical adjustments and general chiropractic education to help Austin residents live their healthiest lives. 

 It’s also worth mentioning that her patients love her kind, friendly manner and excellent ability to listen to their experiences and hone in on the root cause of their pain. 

 Check Westlake Chiropractic reviews and testimonials to see what we mean!

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